How… Where’d I fail the creation? Was it in my failure to yield? Was it purposeful? Was it the truth as far as I knew? (I know nothing, save where perversions of truth discharge from the robot’s mouths in disbelief.) Why… Knowledge is to be respectful and unlimited, save for that which enslaves me, save for that which separates my love and conquers my dancing soul. What… My loving belief of self and of belief in the whole of life, everything; stone, sea, mountain, valley, river, canyon, prairie, desert, flora and animal... Everything. I must humble myself for peace… I must answer this question for myself, do I imagine that I'm an animal or do I imagine that I'm a god? Who... Man: I’d set aside my belief if war would bow, put belief on hold if hunger would vanish! Woman: I’d change my belief if the wind asked it of me! Man: Or if the mountain wailed, “Enough!” or if the sea ebbed and moaned, ...
(The Weaver's Song)