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Showing posts from October 16, 2012

No Enemies

There are no enemies in this, our dance, I am the scribe and you, and you and you and you and you and me and you and you and you and you and you and so many, many others, are the canvas and the ink... © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Time's Irrelevance

There is no time to this, there is no timing to speak of, and maybe it’s just me. Either way, time is irrelevant, we cleanse the (H)eartH of our madness, and then, perhaps our loving act begins… © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Imagine If...

Imagine if we are to return to believe and do simultaneously, only this time, we remember who, what and where we are, and the eartH gives us all we need and also gives us our most loving wishes if our affections to eartH remain unselfish, wouldn't that be ideal? © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

The Good in This Life

i can only recall the good in this life. i've had enough of imagining what i've done in my past, now is the only moment that counts, and its spirit is that of Love. Loving will be the moment's nature, now that i believe them beyond a shadow of a doubt... It's me. © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime


If i am blind, i'm in need of guidance, if i am coming round to who I am, me, then I am grateful to everyone... © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Believe Beyond Reality

To not believe beyond doubt in anything is to not know anything. We know little... We are born to eventually find out, but in the mean time the journey must continue, the mystery will not flourish without we, of that, there is no doubt. I need guidance, not instruction... © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Together Sounds Sweeter

I imagine that we are all in this together. Together sounds so much sweeter than divided. Whether in a state of separation or I’m in a naturally occurring state of flux, everything is, I believe, going along as planned. How else could I reckon with the massive change happening inside of me? It is happening as we speak. Love, or so I believe, has me wrapped in its arms and is guiding me, my self, back to who I was born to be… © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

To Get My Bearings

When fear comes to knocking in a head that's upside down, Love comes dancing free from the grasp of fear and it's taken me sometime now to get my bearings, to be in sync with reality, with who, what and where the me that I am, along with all of you and yours and theirs and those. Twinkle twinkle little star, how I've wondered what you are, up above the head so high, so why my feet upon the HeartH to Love's delight? © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Lay Claim

Anyone that lays a singular claim to this belief, better be dancing with the fullness of Love, for if they are not, fear will claim their throne... © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

A Glimpse

Of course I'm a bit perplexed at how I, Mark Richard Prime, find my self here, but it's really not an issue, it is nothing more than a side-note, a glimpsed thought, an idea that has yet to click, but it will, it has to... © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

I May Have Promised

I am not deserving of the title of scribe, most of what I had written up until I began to dance, was too near to fear, anger and the misuse of Love... I may have promised, and I may well have bitten off more than I can chew, but with Love's power in community, I have no fear whatsoever. Reality pouring into belief like caramel in coffee, swirling with possibility, especially to a person who's still not exactly sure what's going on, but a person who believes in it just enough to make up for the deficit found in its flip-side of truth. And then there's the non-belief part of my perception of the truth that has me nearly pinned down. (No worries, everything is going along as planned. Love.) © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Dancing With Love's Sway

I’m dancing with Love’s sway as she gently brings me to motion in and outside of my thinking. It’s difficult to pinpoint just when I began to speak of it, I sort of stumbled into the purposed leg of this implausible journey. The only thing I believe that I truly know, is that belief is the reason I'm the scribe ...and reality's why I write. © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Yet to Acknowledge

I would never, of my writing, consider it "religious", as most, if not all, religions, for me have yet to acknowledge where, who and why they are. I do not see it in their practice, in their prayers, in their forgiveness, in their love, so instead of assuming I know more than they, I challenged myself to come up with, for me, a much more viable alternative to pigeon-holing it into some rigid format. I imagine it is, for me, the merger of belief and truth, reality... When it comes to what I am writing, it is not up to me to do much, not even to imagine who or what it is that I am in all of this. Although, the question has escaped these fingers countless times... Love, peace and goodness to you, yours and the (H)eartH... © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime