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Showing posts from December 17, 2014


I do not just support medical marijuana, I desire legalization and decriminalization of the medicinal plant. Big Pharma is just one of the reasons that the medicine of marijuana has been kept illegal for far longer than any reasonable people should have ever allowed. Other reasons and industries are also responsible for keeping it illegal- timber, cotton, prison, alcohol, and I am sure there are several others... It will be legalized and decriminalized soon, so why not get on the side of history that recognizes its medicinal benefits as well as its environmental benefit through the use of hemp? Let's have a serious conversation, not one that is beholden to any of the aforementioned industries. © 2014 Mark Richard Prime


"I think it is very facile for people to say 'Oh, torture is terrible,' You posit the situation where a person that you know for sure knows the location of a nuclear bomb that has been planted in Los Angeles and will kill millions of people. You think it's an easy question? You think it's clear that you cannot use extreme measures to get that information out of that person?" __Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia ~ Dear Justice Scalia, It pains me to imagine that you are still a member of the "US Supreme Court", sir . Your simplistic take on the torture issue alone is cause to remove you from your position with haste. You desire an easy question? Here’s one for you, sir… When speaking of torture, knowing that there is an established law that has already found it to be illegal, why do you disseminate the premise that torture is a valid tactic, especially when you base your argument on some make believe and fearful scenario? My...


1. Marriage is less of a contractual obligation and more a considerate commitment. 2. Marriage is a breeze if the storms are allowed to pass. 3. Marriage is a personality test, not a pop-quiz. 4. Marriage has 8 letters, like laughter, divided by 2 equals Love Life. 5. Marriage takes hard work, yet it is not a job or a chore, it’s a discipline. 6. Marriage takes two to tango or whatever dance both desire the union to be. 7. Marriage is the ceremony, Love and Laugher, the pledge. 8. Marriage is mathematical, it’s addition, not subtraction or division, that would be divorce, and it most certainly is not geometry or algebra. 9. Marriage and sex are a balance between the animals and the spirits in both. © 2014 Mark Richard Prime