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Showing posts from September 18, 2012

Our Tree

A tree with healthy roots will flourish, a tree without, will wither and die. The same may be said of anything. The root is the soul of the tree, the root is the heart of the flower, the rain, the life spring of the river, the source, the breathing core of civilization. When we confront the knowledge  of this with the root of ourselves  we realize there is no alternative  but to strengthen blood's derivation  so that we might grow out of our seeking. Our source is humanity. Humankind, we are the root. © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

The Ark is Within Us

The ark is within us. (What the?) The ark is within us. (No. I heard you, I’m just trying to figure out the tragic plot we’ve unearthed?) We've not unearthed it, we’re both the angel and the fear- the key to both creating and Creation. Full love is our purpose. Our wants that supersede our needs and soil our Mother (H)eartH, are nothing more and nothing less than fear… (What’s the opposite of love, fear?) I’d imagine… © 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime

Abel & Noah

I hope this note finds you well my talented friend, one who seeks his truth within the self and finds God standing there. Love, peace and goodness to you, yours and the (H)eartH. Abel & Noah, two sides of the one coin that we humans can summon, love, or fear. The battle's not to be waged on eartH, but within ourselves, the battle comes when we recognize who, and then where, we are... The beginning needn't any remembrance, it needs light, that we might stave off the Freewill's death. (Slavery.) If you must. Two sides of the same reality. One is the freewill of Love (truth) and the other is war (fear), pure madness! There's hope in this one, the other's dry as a bone! Boom boom goes one, welcome home goes the other. The one I need to trust in this duality has been hidden by a name. The spirit's alive and well, not an nth of fear. Been playing longer than me, you imagine? Our age in the flesh is impatient compared to the eternity of lifetimes unt...