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Showing posts from December 31, 2015


Perhaps the holy icons you worship instead of one another are the division that does not exist in Creation's unfolding, but we believe beyond doubt we are thereby creating the very thing we ourselves call into being as we manifest what we believe in beyond doubt. If we still think that God is about suffering, let's try imagining a vast expanse between us and something we'll not see, because it's going to take more than just seeing to complete the bridge to the other side of our breathing... Either way, Heaven awaits! (How do ya figger, Scribbler?) I didn't, I am not that good at math.:) It is purposed within the flow of creation, that instead of stillness snd relying on God and one another, we let go the truth of us, time to get it back, time to believe in something worth repeating... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime


When dealing with others I believe we must express our own assembled truth and not these tired niceties, I mean please continue to be nice and cheerful as you can muster, but sometimes we need to have the debate, our evolving spirits and minds are thirsty for the truth... I say let's feed them before they too are grey under the chin... Wink wink nudge tickle and poke, playfully... it beats the hell out of War, thereby ending even a hint of its misshapen countenance... Truth. Mark Richard Prime, married to Fear, turned out to be Love, found Peace, not she. Why? Answer the riddle, but do not so quickly imagine your right because someone didn't check their sources before publishing words... stories which lead and led to war. (What happened to humankind grandpa?) It was given to us by you, my dear child, without saying a word, you led us out of the ashes, now we are prepared to begin again in the present tense. (I love you, grandpa!) And I, you, dear child... © 201...


Do not persecute another! Do you want to be God-like or do you want to be enslaved? Free yourself, be a savior to all others before yourself, freedom is assured. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime


I'm sure it's the purpose of the medicines, the lessening of fear. It's logical reasoning, or so I believe. As for the fear of death, the medicine is one half of the equation, our evolution of the spirit/mind is the other, they work in tandem, accord, in order to find the best equilibrium and stop our noise making... Bless you and yours... ☮💚☯ © 2015 Mark Richard Prime