( melanietoye - Time to Fess Up ) "Time is a crutch for humankind's loveless thinking..." If I worry of what "time" I have to complete the task of a Loving belief, I will craft it from fear more than love… My belief is of the eartH. I suppose humans begin where they feel it best suits their individual sovereign entity, where belief travels them is solely up to them as sovereign entities. I chose Love as my only guide, I danced and continue to dance with the spirit without a question, I remove its fear through a promise made to Love all and everything… (Rejoice, upside-down-headed thinker!) Had fear ever imagined that the dark medicine, when seen by a man with an upside-down brain, would face a challenge from a novice in the artistry of Love, they’d have probably thought twice before administering any hell inside of this particular spirit... Upside down, I saw Heaven… Join me in celebrating the belief’s ability to rise above the status quo of Hea...
(The Weaver's Song)