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Showing posts from June 20, 2012


( melanietoye - Time to Fess Up ) "Time is a crutch for humankind's loveless thinking..." If I worry of what "time" I have to complete the task of a Loving belief, I will craft it from fear more than love… My belief is of the eartH. I suppose humans begin where they feel it best suits their individual sovereign entity, where belief travels them is solely up to them as sovereign entities. I chose Love as my only guide, I danced and continue to dance with the spirit without a question, I remove its fear through a promise made to Love all and everything… (Rejoice, upside-down-headed thinker!) Had fear ever imagined that the dark medicine, when seen by a man with an upside-down brain, would face a challenge from a novice in the artistry of Love, they’d have probably thought twice before administering any hell inside of this particular spirit... Upside down, I saw Heaven… Join me in celebrating the belief’s ability to rise above the status quo of Hea...


Look beneath my feet. Look beneath my feet, she waits. Look beneath my feet, before it’s too late! Look beneath my feet, see her leaning? Gaze on her beauty! Smile at her smiling green and blue and rainbow of hues never imagined in monstrous belief. She needs me. She desires me, if I’ll but believe in Love. When the wars began, humankind lost their minds, zombies clanking along a pathway of thorns; screaming, gnashing teeth, hair and suffering; not eternal, it just seemed forever… Hush now, Love. I’m here. I will never forsake you. Be Love and believe in me. If I am called I may have to run more than I walk, cry more than I talk. -Sweet cello beneath my belief, what sorrow have you not seen, you, with your strings, humming away at my mind, at my consciousness? Please wake up! I’ve not much time! Oh Mother eartH, move the air and water, raise your soil up! I will. I am. © 2012 by mark richard prime


I’d take out all the words, thought, written, uttered, divine, all words conjured in man’s mind ...and stay with Creation's original silence. To get to silence isn't easy, or so we’ve made it. Silence is earned by giving up our thoughtless hold on her. Oh! Let go her reins, that she might rise up without the fearful beast of our dreams! I’d take out all the words, thought, written, uttered, divine, all words conjured in man’s mind ...and stay with Creation's original silence. © 2012 by mark richard prime


It may sound familiar, but I've crafted a new layer of Love within it. I hope you find this prayer worthy of repeating... __Anonymous The end and the beginning are unseen. It is life’s mystery. I needn't concern the self with the hereafter, I need concern myself with the now. "Time" is irrelevant... The ark has set sail at last. I rejoice at your great fortune! The eartH awaits if I’ll but believe… This game has been afoot longer and more times than I care to imagine, than I've hope of remembering, yet I must... beyond the frame of human, beyond the man-made thing called time- Tick tock goes the fool, late for the truth again... Overtime! How many is hard to imagine, but this one is my chance to make it Home without suffering anymore at my craven hands. Love, awaken! Love, awaken! Love come forth that you might heal my wounds and offer another breath to worship what’s known deep inside my soul! Open my heart and let Love flow! Out, flow out, pour from your...