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Showing posts from July 6, 2012


( The Midnight Garden ) There’s another side to all of this, and I’ve nearly removed it wholly of its use from my belief. Fear is a monster unlike any other when attached to the spirit. The spirit ushered ME in and opened my eyes to where it delivered my body. The flipside of that was just too much for me to bear. End all wars! Cease the murder of life, love and Creation! Do not forsake another, do not rape, plunder or sack another, instead reach out with full Love and let them see me as understanding their suffering and inform them that I’m (t)here for them. (What of that which is of want?) After full love is complete, there’ll be no want for anything, all will be manifest. Why would I want for anything when I can create a loving Heaven instead of a living Hell? (ping) (Echo…) Again, Mark Richard Prime, lest Heaven bloom before you’ve chance to recognize where you are, there will be only suffering another turn on the wheel, another lifetime of not knowing. If I believ...


The eartH is the only mystery that I need concern myself with. If I concern myself too much with the unknowable beyond eartH, she will suffer because of my ungrateful delusion. The Mother, The Father, The Grandmother, The Grandfather, The Great Grandmother and The Great Grandfather are one in the same, the dawn of all life I know and imagine. I am a part of life, like the trees, the water, the soil, the oceans and the seas. Gravity dictates that I remain here until the eartH deems that my use has run its course. Love… The doorbell rang and a gentleman at the door handed me two pamphlets from his church and then proceeded to witness to me about my going to hell if I did not believe as he. Well, since these types of events often begin with the fear and end in paradise, I decided to challenge my fellow steward, and his pastor and one other member from their church. I was hoping that the pastor had many accounts to tell about the flock’s involvement in protesting the destruction...