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Showing posts from October 23, 2011

Being Equal

Was Jesus divine? Yes, as we all are. We are all equals, unable to be otherwise. I cannot rise higher than another is capable of rising and I cannot sink further than they're capable of sinking. Equality is key, which is the reason that I choose to dance with all spirits, all belief systems that I can. I want to dance with all religions, colors, creeds, thoughts, philosophy, etc, for it is what I’m required to do, what I promised I'd do, in order to create/evolve within belief, not away from it, but with it. Is there more to this than meets the eye? Yes. But only because I have forgotten who I am, what I was, and where I am. If I open my eyes to her, to Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, to Love, I begin to heal from the inside out. Let me emerge from my slumber, with love within all I do and all I say. It is time... © 2011 by mark prime

Where We've Always Been

I believe Jesus was a human, no different than you and me. I believe Jesus uttered some very profound statements and truths, but perhaps should not have. He was, in my opinion, one of the finest human’s to have ever graced the earth, flawed, but a man who spoke his truth, not the worlds. I believe that the eartH is Heaven. I’ve sought eternal life since the beginning of time and it’s been beneath my feet and will be evermore. If I’ll but acknowledge that (possibility) I can cease my destruction of my only Home and the gift that is for all of life. If I would but imagine for a second where I truly am, over where I want to be, I might then see the truth of where I’ve always been… with Love. © 2011 by mark prime