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Showing posts from May 20, 2016


I am the tall grass I am the willow tree I am the river and stream I am the ocean and the wind (Shhh. Hush now, child Tears are for joy only No sadness, no grief You are love You are Peace You are Forgiveness And you are Laughter Never forget) I am the tall grass I am the willow tree I am the river and stream I am the ocean and the wind © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


When creation finds its groove The balance emerges as champion Harmony cleanses our virulent rage Levels out the shattering noise Fills the void with newly spun thread Free formed weavings of our breathing A bright and new beginning A hope held in one hand Tossed like a pair of dice Click click ticketytack click Remember to continue creating Manifest the happily ever after of our tenure Where has the time gone? For such an illusory invention it always seems to fly (Your wings have risen) What? (Your wings have risen upon your back) They have? (Silence) Have they? (Soar with the eagles) Yes (Silence) When creation finds its groove The balance emerges as champion © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


Sex... Have it, just don't turn it into something unnatural and forget conceptions first miracle, birth. Don't abort and don't be ashamed if you have, there are much more abhorrent ways to murder. Killing the soil is suicide, allowing Monsanto to manufacture seeds that don't then produce seeds is slavery and suicide, funding war with weapons is more than just supporting it, it's collusion to mass murder for empire! Not on my watch! The Lion's roar tonight... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


There are no limits or limitations to God, a force so profound that you begin to awaken to the idea that you were just now being "created" spiritually first, then physically. It's upside down is our We, we should be like Me. See? Not conceit, fact. © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


Don't go all slack jawed because you can't control the unfolding, it's a futile endeavor to imagine we can control the unfolding to the degree of changing our fate, there's still lessons to be garnered. (And there's quite a mess for us to clean up.) Rejoice we still have a chance or two to right the wrongs we have heaped upon Home and kinship... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


The final choreography will have to be left to the scribe of my story's outcome. How else would it, could it unfold but from end to beginning? Surrender? (Never, you ugly swine!) That's the spirit! Live, love and laugh... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


None of this need be made difficult. Those that seek our failure are the slave owners. Ticktock for them is growing louder, best they prepare for the rising revolution! Demonstrate to the powers that be that you are free! 🙃 © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


The word "God", With a capital g, Is overused It feels like an excuse Like "the devil made me do it" Only God is doing it Acting as puppet to our dreams Allowing us to suffer more at our own hand than any wrath and vengeance come upon us from a Creator. (Read your bible, blasphemer!) Open your mind, believer, open it up to the truth. (The sound of a very tiny door squeaking as it opens is heard under the noise of humankind. Nothing to see here folks! Move along. Next stop, Disney World! Silence...) © 2016 Mark Richard Prime


When children speak we need listen. When a child speaks truth, we are bound to hear. Listen while this boy is still young and loving. Don't wait until his voice deepens with sorrows rage. Hear his pleas now, not then, engage him and his courage. Rise up for the children! Rise up for them! Rise up! Don't wait for him to change, for his truth to fade. Now is the breathing green barrel of Love and Kinship. Embrace it. Truth. © 2016 Mark Richard Prime

Before Ever

No said the man with nothing to lose. It's not that it must be my story, or should I say, the truth that's pouring through Me is not mine alone. I would be a fool to say otherwise, and I would certainly be foolish to claim I'm God before I am... © 2016 Mark Richard Prime