(Twilight Zone "Masks" via Fascination of Fear ) I’ve been busy trying to hide away. Hide away from all of the spewing ash, the upside down lips in a hurry to leave, the trees, the mountains, the rivers and seas. O! The full-throated beauty of The Garden! What an exquisite place to be able to lay my head, it gives me everything I need to be, to live and laugh and at the peak of everything, immersed with love! I’m not sure that “who” matters much to me anymore. I’d ask you, but what would I really be asking and what would you really be answering, something you’ve heard or read before? No. You’ll be speaking with your own sweet breath. I’ve been trying to tell you for some time. It’s too late now. Quiet, children! Your minds are much too full of death! Okay. The masks can come off now. Live, laugh and love! © 2011 by mark prime
(The Weaver's Song)