Just go with the flow of ours and yours and theirs and those and they and you and you and me, and these words of Love. Peace my friend is all I seek, for it is the shell around Love... No such thing as time! But they suffer still, Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather, Great Grandmother, Great Grandfather, Great Love and God, all guilty of inaction, but the lesson is to end the suffering of all Life and create a symphony of light to lead the way to future generations... All we need have done is remembered, and our corruption of our food and water and soil would have been forgiven. (Are you kidding me with that last line, Scribe?) I died that night. What night? I don't remember which one, but I'm beginning to get the lesson etched all around me as if it were skin. I wear it proudly, humbly... (You, humble? Are you kidding me?) Hush, you nay-saying spirit and begin to believe in something greater than self! (Boom boom!) When does it boom boom? (Boom bo...