I’ve no cause to speak of belief, for the knowable writhes underneath my feet and throughout my being. What right do I have to condemn her fate to what I imagine instead of cleansing her fate to resemble mine own…
Hell has been here as long as we first conjured it in our thinking. We are born to be creators, and we’ve been destroyers instead. Think with Love, not with your greed. Think with Love, not with your arrogance. Think with Love, not with your consumption. Think…
What other choice did I have? Chance, I don’t imagine so. It’s more likely that it was fated due to my choices. Neither really do much justice to the amazing journey upon the pathway of full Love I’ve been traveling. Halleluiah! Rejoice! Great Love awaits this entrance! There have always been two choices, Love and fear, both can summon the spirit and it’s up to us which direction we travel. Full Love can only receive and return full Love. Fear can never be a part of Love, it will not fit. Fear, then, is superfluous to Love’s existence, and, logically enough, to its own…
Let us not think in terms of God, let us think in terms of those things with which we are familiar. A cave is dark even in the daylight, a forest lights its way from limb to limb, to stream, to river to sea, they call out to us with their open arms, and they ask that we recall our beginning, the eartH and the Spirit, Home and Heaven. Let me remember my Home is sacred, to Love, to God, and to me…
© 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark and Michelle Prime
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