There’s another side to all of this, and I’ve nearly removed it wholly of its use from my belief. Fear is a monster unlike any other when attached to the spirit. The spirit ushered ME in and opened my eyes to where it delivered my body. The flipside of that was just too much for me to bear. End all wars! Cease the murder of life, love and Creation! Do not forsake another, do not rape, plunder or sack another, instead reach out with full Love and let them see me as understanding their suffering and inform them that I’m (t)here for them.
(What of that which is of want?)
After full love is complete, there’ll be no want for anything, all will be manifest. Why would I want for anything when I can create a loving Heaven instead of a living Hell?
Again, Mark Richard Prime, lest Heaven bloom before you’ve chance to recognize where you are, there will be only suffering another turn on the wheel, another lifetime of not knowing.
If I believe it is Heaven, then it shall be Heaven. It’ll be exactness to me if I’ll but recognize Home when I see it. If I mock the idea of the eartH as Home and Heaven or mock another’s belief, then it is I that descends into my belief…
Timing is valued to me, but then, so is a lack of suffering for anyone and all and anything. The heart requires Love in order to create eternal bliss. Why then would I not say I am Love and do away with any and all fear? Fear hasn’t a place where I’m set to be...
I want this to go on, yet I know it can’t, there comes a time in belief where I’ll have to give it over to Creation.
(Does that mean you’ll sit around praying about it and let it be, or does that mean you might go all Winter’s Bone on us?)
I’m not even sure what that means… but I’ll pray and I’ll send it to Love, what happens to it and to me after that, is not for me to imagine…
(I would never have imagined Mark Richard Prime saying anything that carried full Love.)
My wedding vows.
(How so?)
The vows were the first remembrance of who I had become, held up to who I am.
(There’s lot’s of hard work ahead for you my friend.)
Yes. The vow was my first step out of the hell of my own creation. I'm well on my way…
(You could go back to your college days and have a field day swimming again with all of the spirits you infected and ingested- the good and the bad, the tears and the laughter, the love and the fear, the warring and the peaceful. A field day, I tell ya!)
I’d have many a frequent dance to return that’s for sure. A dance with all of the love and joy I stole from the unsuspecting and even with those that imagined they knew me. I can’t know, because then I’d be reacting from what I know instead of what I believe, and you can’t tell me because then you might sound crazy and, if neither of us acts, she’s likely to go belly up on us.
There’s a lesson in accepting where you are and the contentment with the known. So many lessons disguised as fate destined to be learned from and then poured forth with full Love. Everything’s going to be okay is the reassurance. If I can but let it swim beneath the surface and flourish in my belief, there’ll be no need for any reassurance…
Time to go in and wind down when foul noise begins its dance, unless, that is, if one has been writing in restaurants all of their life or writing where man’s fouled noises clang throughout.
Sleep calls again.
(The wind waves its arms to guide me in evermore…)
Peace, Love and Goodness be with you, yours, the eartH, all and everything…
(An ever-evolving belief is tiresome.)
(Motion will come to you without a moment to lose, its how motion seems to roll…)
© 2012 by mark richard prime
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