Mark Richard Prime
The overabundance of fear that I hold is mine to do away with, I created it. It is man-made and I began my ascent with great trepidation because of the possibilities I’d suffer if I fell- my family, my friends, humankind… I no longer tolerate the use of fear from myself. My self is making up for lost time, but time is in the head, not in God. I do not fear death, save where safety is undesirable over righteousness! My fear of death, and I do not, I use my fear of life, my fear of death has been vanquished by Love… It doesn't take me but a second now to remember where I am... Love, as one might imagine, has its roadblocks, much like my past transgressions, especially those that attempted to murder The Mother through my own hand or my own indifference, my own lovelessness. My destruction to the human spirit on the eartH is, in my belief, the gravest sin in the flesh that I, and all of humankind, can imagine... fear.
I bring me along at my own risk, but it is not just my risk that I’m taking, I’m taking my vow to Love and she’s guiding me Home…
I jumped just then to show these words before all of the others I’ve written but have yet to publish, it pours out of me like joy at the miracle of birth! Keeping in mind that you do not destroy Home and still have the audacity to imagine you’re going to the next level…
Clean this earth, Mark, and end your wars and your rape and your murder and your thirst and starvation for the unknown unknowable…
The powers that be are not what they seem my friends, each have their own desire, each their own wants, yet all with the same needs...
We’ve created our own hell, not the other way around, dear spirits, we too have found our way most solemn! Why should it be tragic, it is what it was intended to be, a test of our loving capacity. Why not? I don’t know, maybe it is a test we imagined that nothing could be using we thinking beast as a tool toward its own salvation? Our love is being used by whatever is running this, our show- Perhaps, I don't know...
Everyone is helping me along in their own way.
It is time to Love, my friends. It is time, and let us remember it will be joyous!
Do it fearlessly but be aware, do it gently, loving and with the whisper of truth…
There are few things that can conjure the mind further than the truth…
They’re one line packing a wallop! I can’t wait to meet the spirits that permitted me to scribe…
I am in Heaven, all else is beautiful and serene as if I'd died and woke up in hell, the one of our making and climbed my way back to the surface. I was blind, but now I see. I see where I am is most precious to humankind! Let us not wait upon a subsequent death…
It is painful.
In our thirst for Love we’ve nearly been fooled, we’ve, or better yet, I’ve nearly been fooled by the skin of my chattering teeth. Those of us that get scared around certain people even though they’re harmless, I believe it is, because, because they would like to just simply be and not be inundated with man’s foul noises…
Tick tock…
Tick tock…
Enough about belief, I'm going to be...
Either way, I will return again to reap what I have sewn, in the meantime, I'll be good, be kind, be loving and trust in Love and God, not belief……
© 2012 The Spirit of Love...
(I long for God and find it as Love...)
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