I received this next paragraph in a comment from the previous post, Unexpected Howl. It was from Anonymous:
Tried but not saying a word. I can't do it. I know I yell and things, but it's only when I'm frustrated with myself, not you. I've never been afraid, well sometimes to tell you something because I felt you should know naturally. I am aware that I disappointed myself again by waiting and postponing this trip. Truthfully I really had no power over not going there and trying to find relief. I know it just lingers and makes everything worse. I am not at all comfortable with the way you are expressing things. Today, yes I understand, but I have to explain the way I feel, it's so hard to put into words, but I want to.
I responded:
Anonymous, I'm not sure who this is and I'm not sure how I know you, yet it matters not, you're a brother or sister reaching out to another. I feel there may be something hidden in your words, yet seen, if viewed through the lens of spirit.
Please, my friend, speak your mind...
A dream that now I speak:
And now, Anonymous, I know who you are, and it pleases me to say so. You are me and I am you, we are one another. The way I express things is simply things I've found along my way to you. I often-times have stumbled, but my path and promise are one in the same, they both begin with Love and are eternally my truth.
We're merely a part of life not an image of who we were or an image of who we've become. We are who and what we are. Instead of angels, instead of stewards to heaven, we are ungrateful thinking beasts, the last of those to imagine we've the right to dictate who or what Love is, or to conjure the when and the how of creation's end, what creation wants, what Love needs, creation's plan for us. Shame on us for the way we've defiled her gift of life, the only eternity we actually know. Belief is all I harbor, all any of us reap.
I just figured it was time to begin, rinse and repeat...
Peace, Love and goodness to all and everything.
To Love, to eartH, to those with Love and to those with sin, and those with money and those without one cent, to the eartH we're planted and to the eartH we're granted, beholden stewards to the gift of life, to the eternal kingdom of Love.
Give your heart to Love before Heaven begins to roar! Give yourself over to all that is lit by the sun, enthralled by the moon, comforted by the stars, the cosmos, to all and everything that’s within the carriage of creation- you, me, they, them, we, Love, truth, beauty, natural art and peace. Below and above, inside and out. Inside, whirling along the pathway of goodness. Outside, a reflection of nothing but Love. Love, in line to be the successor, the heir to Heaven.
© 2011 by mark prime
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