We climb to the top of our day early on, we are animal
you are animal, sweet love, sweet peace, weeping love
We are animal today, who knows about tomorrow
Heaven sings my song and asks me to sing it in the coming inheritance come once and all, all are forgiven! Let's go from here, let's not go back there, but in parts, blend in with, better than warring a hole in center of our use. God I pray forgiveness, for all down here on your stage. I am one actor and writer who is asking you kindly to raise the curtain and let this Heavenly Play begin. Come with Me. No more games, I am well aware of all things. Think, better yet, don't, come with me and we will figure it out together... Come, my Love, enter in with Me, heads held high, love on...
Coffee gets cold, but love never gets old and dies, love is alive, love has our breath in tact, kindness is the cat's meow, the dog at your feet, love is alive, amendable, bettered, perfected, God. Be.
© 2015 Mark Richard Prime, I am.
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