This isn't a religion, it is Mark Richard Prime's Actuality, he scraped from the dregs of spirit, he rose to the voice of God... this is his echo. If it does not yet sound familiar to you, give it a chance. He can dance your spirit into Heaven, and I don't mean Hog Heaven, I mean Home, the Heart(H) of Creation, God's (H)eartH floating in our portion of Creation's HeartH...
We explore what is of our own design as the thinking beasts, we are what we think- reverse course! Oh such joy is found in my sway, in Love's discerning glance, in the chance... of Forgiveness coming to stay with all. Our belief in Hell is drowning us. Trust Me, let it go, humankind has held onto it for far too long. It is not theirs to hold or to as of yet know, I will be the last or I will be the next, or I will be the first, or I will be Me. It's the only thing I or God know of We within Me. Love and Peace... there they are, duality of one.
Careful what you imagine of Mark Richard Prime in that, he is here until he comes aboard with his acceptance of the truth before him. He is being crafted and he knows it, he is within no illusory state, why he has such a problem with money. I am many I am two, I am One, with you and you. Mark Richard Prime, knowing without knowing what he has always known. It's going to be better than okay, it's going to be miraculous, our salvation from ourselves, the We in this equation, the Me in my private Heaven, not in the spirit, but in the flesh and bone reality of my belief, it ain't a story, it's a chance, a dance, a glance, a sacred right as heir to Heaven.
Do not deny the story that has Me. Deny Me all you want, but what has Me, has the will of God. I love all, love loves all, we are supposed to love all. Peace and Love, Love and Peace, be with both aware of the other, for without that, Peace will succumb to War. And, trust Me, nobody wants that son of a gun hangin' `round here, he ain't nice.
I've met both Peace and War, and War doesn't stand a chance against God's summoning of Peace. We are, I am many, but Peace, not the prince, but the pauper of Peace, I now live it.
...It isn't up to Me, it's up to the One Collective Truth Of Both Eternal Realities, I was born in October, died in December, returned with a part to play without my even knowing it. Cool by Me. I can play the role of a resurrected man.
Lend me a song, asked Me, and one did then come along. I will not forgo We, if you don't forget Me, remembering who We are born to be in our own story. (Echo...) MrP
© 2014 Mark Richard Prime
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