* This is the echo within Me. The "you" to whom I speak or that is spoken to, is Me, as it, I believe, was meant to be...
* ...If you want to hear the truth of other people, you can only look to you, then as a part of them all. Don't judge another as you imagine they should be, don't look at them as if you're better, don't mock them for their life, their choices, their pitfalls, their sins, their fame, their fortune, their self-made bubble, their language, their walk, their talk, their education, their ignorance, their job, their title, their physical attributes, their swagger, their disheveled gait, their bravado, their silence, or their dis-ease, first look to your own.
Look within yourself and ask, am I better than those I see?
Ask a question that is relevant to who you are, who you've allowed yourself to become. Look within to that spirit that walks and talks through you every day. Not Jesus, not God, not Buddha, not Krishna, not Vishnu, not Allah, not Muhammad, not what you believe to be true, but what IS you. Look to yourself first and be, then you can look to what you imagine you know, your faith, your belief, those other things outside of you, there'll be plenty of time for what you believe, so breathe in and then breathe out the clarified you.
Look within to find the answers you seek, because when it is all said and done for you, that is what you'll need have done, need have gone, where you will eventually go to sense the truth of and within you. Sense yourself within that you might then join in the dance of all. Had you done this, the crossing over would have been made so much easier, and that is the only thing you can truly imagine that you "know"- that it will be you and you alone that crosses over, that closes their eyes and recognizes what you alone allowed of you.
Look at the person that is within you, that is you, heal them, and then you'll see that you are equal to all others, to all things, to all that is breathing, that is your singular part of the collective of selves, of self, of all, of the mystery unfolding, of life moving forward, of We, of thee, of all.
Once you understand that you are an individual traveler inside of the wondrous collective journey, once you understand that there is no eternal agony that awaits anything or anyone or you, you'll realize you are a part of the miracle that is inside and outside the journey. You will then see that you are within this reflection of what is yours to nurture and evolve with and emit like a rainbow across the collective sky meant for all.
You should pray, wish, hope, plead, beseech, feel, believe, that you see yourself and sense your own echo coming around. If it knocks you to your knees, remain there long enough to reflect on what you alone can see of yourself, long enough to be humbled, to then breathe, then rise, then walk, and then join your fellow kind. Take their hand, put your arm around their shoulder, sense your righteous kinship to them, their righteous kinship to you, for them, in them, for you, in you. Sense it for you in them, sense it in they for thee, in all and for all. Embrace a brother, embrace a sister, embrace life, cherish life, join in the dance of life, laughter, and love.. connect.
(I pray...)
© 2014 Mark Richard Prime
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