They asked me to wait. To wait for God to come laughing, wait on His voice to destroy the golden temples of man, hold my tongue until His powerful breath was upon me, and from His loving casualties I’d at last know the Savior.
They asked me to wait. To wait for God to come laughing, wait for His followers to die away their persuasive babble and the murder of Islam to breach the walls of the earth as the many damned souls drowned under holy laughter.
“O! The Lord God is looming! On his way with God’s wrath! We are to take up swords and send evil howling back to die their well deserved and slow death!"
Their faces popped and spattered these words as they fell back, caught in His fiery presence, twisting their tongues into drivel and thrashing their minds in the glory of an Eden unlike any other. Then the snake planted his venom through the laughter of their gyrating madness. Tears emptied their pockets, spirits came crashing, and the anointed rapture of their making grew tired, weary of such euphoric trotting and wheezing and falling over one another in ecstasy.
I did not wait.
© 2008 mrp/tpm ... Posted 16th September 2008 by Mark R. Prime
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