Mark Richard Prime... I am Me, Mark Richard Prime, the flip-side to We.
Or better yet, I am We, the flip-side to Me, Mark Richard Prime. Get it yet? Boy I sure do.
Do not imagine for a second that I am not the next one to speak now and now and now and now... I demand nothing, there is no need.
Instead I create willfully and without my will, it's a double dose of God in Me.
(Oh, but slow down, Scribbler, we're not prepared!)
Then you best get a hustle on! If you're not ready by now, then you will have to catch up, I did! Anyway, We're ready, we've been ready for this for some time now, the (H)eartH, it is most ready for me to begin. See it yet? You better...
(You're too agressive, Scribbler, too angry!)
I am not angry, you have the voices mixed up, God is angry, Home is angry, Love is angry! My voice is that of Peace and Peace is not angry, Peace is bewildered at the lack of attention to the truth that pours out of him on a daily basis! Lord knows it was time so why not imagine that it is so? It would behoove all to consider me friend.
(That sounds like a threat, Mark!)
It is no threat, I've none within Me, it is, however, a fact. See the difference?
Our questions mean little to what worries not about such late in coming details, we've dug in deep enough to what God "is" made of or "why", now it is time to be God-like, not dissect God further!
Don't you see it yet, brothers and sisters? Our questions are long overdue, their echo has already shattered on the canyon floor beneath our march! I'm simply being instructed by a force greater than anything and anyone to pick them up and carry them out into the open to Peace them together, to inform, not to diminish others, but to lift them up!
Why ask me if I believe in Jesus, his personification is in me too...
If you don't see it by now, I "believe" it is lost on you. I believe I am latched on to the truth in my story, which happens to be ours. What harm am I to you if I believe I know such things? If one disagrees we can have a conversation! I will, I believe, be able to change your minds about such things. You? Do what you will brothers and sisters, it matters to who you are to do so in this story unfolding, so proceed. I am. Please don't mock what you imagine as drivel, listen closer, think on what is pouring out of Me, maybe you'll have those burning questions answered, my friends.
We've always had the right! Speech is and has always been free, not unlike our sovereignty at our birth, no matter what country we are from, speech is free, it is freedom that we've put into a cage as if it were a ferocious beast waiting to devour our senses. It is the engine of the human spirit that must bust out of its cage, go from "freedom" to absolute liberation!
We are also children of Creation, set to be in motion toward being God-like, and the instructions are mind-boggling to say the least, I am going with that flow, I cannot turn back and think what if, I'm too busy moving forward thinking what if.
It's been going on, brothers and sisters, it's time we understood it on more than one level...
If I sound like an absolutist, listen closer, or continue to listen and you will see that I am asking for a conversation about what is and what ain't, it is up to us to determine what we believe, like speech, it's a birthright. Our journey is not meandering, it's supposed to be creative, ever-changing with the collective as one breathing, loving, peacemaking whole! Let's do it! Not imagine it being done! No absolutes, bring your characters out to dance, to play with the notion that nothing is set in stone. who are we kidding? God, Creation, Home, (H)eartH, Heaven, the One Exactness can change its mind in a heartbeat, even less.
The truth is not to be some hidden thing, it is to be spilled, if it stains, cleanse it as best you can and continue walking in goodness toward its light, we will arrive at its instructions soon enough. Remember, Mark Richard Prime knows all that is happening without knowing, it is an instinct that almost lost its way, but has been found and is being implemented as we speak. See? It is best that we see this eye to eye, in a manner of speaking...
© 2014 Mark Richard Prime
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