What is a maddened mind set loose to do with itself for our calendared, commandeered seven days of an enslaved week? It’s almost enough to bring the flux to laugh out loud! O! If we could but hear its song we might recognize our own! Come and get Me, we have a dance or two to go before we are One as with God’s collective… FREE… Freedom is made of Free Free is within Freedom No trades or retellingAll animal’s loved No weaponsNo blocking the flow…Freedom is Free, give it away…
Faith and Trust are interchangeable, or they certainly should be. We give of faith and trust, we do not earn them. Giving them away is how we see their return.
Observation, instinct, recognition, seeing at last the spirits, all, moving toward the same story…
It’s how Peace comes about, when enough of us find the path and stick with it, despite the odds, we sense we are on to something bigger than any one person, but found speaking, found knowing the speech, found. The collective is One Spirit, let us begin to dance as One and find the pathway large enough for all.
Scribe of…
Fear is the mind killer
it is written within our past story,
let’s not stay in the ancient past,
move forward with our narrative.
The truth is there, within it, not absolute,
but ready to be written without suffering for even one…
I’m the echo of my journey, which is within as well as out, a truth that belief is important, more so than we “believe” it to be. What we imagine to be true, what we prove to be true… there’s little space between them.
There is that. Rat-a-tat-tat…

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