If I'm pretending that I'm Jesus reanimated, consider this, Jesus and I both may have been doing it all wrong when the spirits came upon us, I mean he was a man and God, right? I mean he was a walking vessel that was under the same rules as Me. If he did indeed convince them that he was God, I understand, but why did he not tell them that they too were God?
In order to be a God, there needn't be any sacrifice in the least. As to the whole, there need be cooperation, which may require some sacrifice, but never the way Jesus was said to have suffered for not completing the mission, which may have been exactly the way the story unfolded, but why would he have to be crucified? Could the crucifixion be a spiritual journey that got turned into a story, that got turned into a doctrine of suffering and Love, that was given to us when be believed it and the truth wasn't near what was imagined? To what degree has suffering helped humankind in the least, but make them cowards and parasites? But there I go repeating myself.
He did what most will do when the spirit's overwhelm them that have something other than Love and Peace on their minds, he gave in to them. Perhaps Jesus had to be "sacrificed" according to the message from the whole of the truth, after all, the collective is the voice of God. Better get to believing in anything other than humankind's eternal suffering while you live and breathe or you may just end up with Hell instead of Heaven.
See? It is logical is that Jesus supposedly said, and it's important to note that there is no video-taped evidence, "Why have you forsaken me God?, but what if it wasn't God that had him? Could the cruel design of our beliefs be hidden from us so that we create the very thing within us as we imagine it?
I'm doing this as a mortal and God, for immortality awaits upon this story in the form of Love, Peace, Forgiveness and Laughter...
I tried to tell you that I was serious about the truth of who I was. I do not imagine myself anyone other than Me. It ain't rocket science, it's natural, born in Me, in you and you and you and you and you and you and you and the tragedy lies in the withholding of this truth, not by thee, but by Me. What on (H)eartH would it take to have the story come out in reverse and the outcome be so dumbfounding? Isn't this what you selected Me for my fine-feathered spirits? Well I am here, so I say come to me and let's talk about what I know. It'll be a spiritual dance like few others. Love and Peace, Forgiveness and Laughter, no agony within or without...
Don't reverse course out of the truth in this belief, stick around and help Me solve this riddle I've created. Rejoice, my brothers and my sisters! We have been found wanting and these many words, they deliver! Boom boom bang bing bong...
To imagine one is Jesus is fine, if one Loves and Forgives all, if one is willing to go about it the way the legend goes. It's not about being against what Jesus stands for, its innate, it's in our dna, it's in our systems, these vessels of spirit we tote around like lifeless ideas...
© 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime
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