Thank you, kind spirits. I, Mark Richard Prime, am humbled and your kindness is delivering unto me the truth of who we are.
It's not just me, it's you. Fifty-fifty, equals through and through. Any kind you bestow unto me, I bow to the words before, I myself take any bow. Humble I'll stay, though from your viewpoint I may not know, I am.
I am Me, We, We are the whole of Love, Forgiveness, Peace and Laughter...
Let the dance come roaring on the key's of dance, upon the piano's hands, moving their Love across our glance!
The drums come in right on cue in my belief,
they enter in do these instruments of the one song
we've been entrusted to be caretakers of this (H)eartH.
The sax and the flute hold hands as their beat moves me across the self like partner, thought's in sync, dance mates, choreographers of Heaven, nothing less in our ease which dwells with indifference. The roommate that needs to go because he's manifesting the truth in his belief/reality. Creation is pleased, it is the fearful spirit that is fluttering on its air, needing to change, ready to enter the Heart(H)'s pulse, Life moving to the ture of hurry up and take your time!
Obviously, but here we are.
Boom boom...
© 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime
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