We, as stewards of the (H)eartH, need stand up against all "regime" changes, all ideas of war or aggression or thoughts of our interests in any region, save for the one we live in.
We needn't avenge the deaths, we need be humbled by their sacrifice and begin to make their passing a testament to no more war. We need change from within to out, by example, by loving and forgiving all.
Imagine the "blowback" from the actions of forgiveness and love, what an amazing spirit would be felt in the reaction of peace and laughter, love and forgiveness? It's the only plan that will solve the (H)eartH's most pressing issues, no amount of war or assassination or power struggles for oil or resources will bring us to where we need be by now in our existence, in our human experience.
Humanity must begin to rise up and Love all...
© 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime
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