-The business side of God-
A how to of worship
a how to of approach
a football strategy
a touchdown analogy!”
How much more will you need of the truth in order to know it?
(We’re going to need the full playbook, coach!)
There’s no such thing, quarterback spirit, the full playbook exists inside of you… and you and you and you and you and you, the key is finding it within.
(The same playbook exists inside of each of us?)
Yes, but each of you have different roles to play within the strategy.
(The same but different? This football stuff is harder than I thought it was going to be.)
Stop your bellyaching and breathe. Breathe and Love. Breathe and Love. Breathe and Love.
(Is this football practice or yoga?)
It’s a practice, a ritual, but you seem to have forgotten about the fundamentals of breathing human.
(Breathing human? I like that. Was that an analogy, coach?)
Yip, but let’s not analogize ourselves off of a cliff, or continue the back and forth of who’s right and who’s wrong, or who knows and who don’t, who’s in the light and who’s in the dark, or the bull by the horns or by the tail, and let’s get back to the basics!
(Breathe. Love. Breathe. Love. Breathe. Love)
That’s right, boys! Let’s begin the urgent actions of stewardship with the fullness of our convictions, now and now and now and now! Stewardship, as if where we breathe is the original gift and that it’s intended as the canvas for us to paint the reflection of our ideal Love and Peace upon.
(I’m confused?)
Breathe and Love, boys! Breathe and Love!
(Breathing. Loving. Breathing. Loving. Breathing.)
Now give me five laps around the field! There’s plenty of trash to pick up along your way!
(Awkward silence…)
Well what are you waiting on? The trash ain’t gonna pick up itself!
(Hey, who’s the new coach?)
(Not sure if he’s the coach or not, he just strolled onto the field with a clipboard so we assumed he was the new coach.)
To assume puts an ass before u and me, boys, so giddy-up and breathe! Breathe and Love as a team! Breathe and Love!
© 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime
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