(The Neighborhood Peace Garden Project)
Support and forgiveness are not the same thing.
We, the people's of the US, must demand of our "government", of which we pay taxes to "support" their agenda, cease dropping bombs upon all peoples and that they do everything they can to clean up the water, air and soil? That's "supporting" the collective. If the government doesn't act to do so, we the people have need to "forgive" them (ourselves) and need to discontinue our "support" of their aggression.
(It appears that the people have begun to demand more of their governments, demanding more of ourselves. Let us hope this trend continues around the globe...)
To Me forgiveness and acceptance are not similar, they're replicas of one another. When we forgive, we've accepted them as they are, when we accept them, we've forgiven them as they are.
Begrudgingly accepting someone is not acceptance, it is tolerance.
© 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime
Let Me Evolve
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