Outside of the self the traffic snaps me back, its red eyes from seeking to find the same, a period and a demand are not needed, there is no end to God, God might allow you to sleep evermore and vanish for nothing gained or lost, nothing, but it's only because you've given up hope while you're still breathing. It's a bit maudlin but I think you understand my meaning.
The truth dear family is not a football or a fork and plate or a national mourning of consumption, a year long celebration of a looming finish to the never-end of possibility had We but collectively chosen our fledgling Creation, designed it from the Creation up...
"...our fledgling Creation, designed from Creation up..."
O! I pray you allow me this truth conjured from the cry of anguish from the spirits upon your HeartH, at having never known their power and through me raise up the truth like a garden built for all to imagine. Let me construct your own without charge, donations accepted in case I break my damn back! Bada bing! No. Seriously. Put the coffee down and listen for a second my fine feathered-spirits. I have a message for all, not just you or you or you or you or me or you or you or You or Me, for We. Live, Love and Laugh, silence your foul noises of industry and division and do it by yesterday! Rise up on your own behalf and change the whole trajectory and order of all things, not just those with which you feel you are capable, We are capable of all things. We...
I know that I am channeling everyone's spirit, past and present, when your dreams are lined up with your reality, all goes according to the plan, not yours or mine or theirs or those, but the one exactness and its reasoning behind all of this.
(The Wizard of Oz?)
Something like that...
Rid yourself of your childish impulses and come along with me, the act is well into its part in the full story. Sit down if you'd like, right here on the grass if you please and allow Me a word with You. Our spirits are most ready to utilize the fullness of GodLove's affections, Forgiveness, Peace and Laughter...
The key to it all my fine-feathered spirits is dreams, hopes, dances, carnivals, marvels, gardens, but always in reverence to the (H)eartH, Love and God, if God is all...
I am.
O! God, lift this Peace Garden to it's original tallness! Help Me, Father? Help Me, Mother? Help Me, Aunt? Help me Uncle? Help me Niece? Help Me Nephew? Help me Friend, help me foe, help me deliver this message to the world that we might live among all else in harmony and laughter. One law- Love&Peace...
© 2013 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime
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