Your doubts, kind spirits, are most certainly earned by yours truly, by me, the me given up by I, reborn now, not as "I", but as me, who and what and where I was born to be! Love, dear kin, is most translucent when it's given without regard to everyone, all and everything. Just when you find a parking place another child dies from our foul air!
(What if it's not the cause of your dreams?)
It damn well should have been.
(But what of my question?)
I received my answer within your question. No need to further the idleness found in our bloody waiting for something to bloody damn well happen! Life is happening all around you! Go with it! Rejoice in our fortune!
Bing bippety bang bing bong send it out with the wings of song!
© 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime
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