Just before houselights fade the symphony begins to joyfully play as backdrop for the eartH of Creation that begins its dance all around us. Houselights fade with the orchestra and the darkness begins to envelope the shadows as we here the stamp of feet begin to march toward our spirits until the stamping becomes fearful and as soon as it does, poof, it's replaced instantly with joyous strings reminding us that where we are is heavenly.
(A tree appears behind the green blanket, a massive weeping willow tree that is wafting gently in the ever-present wind blowing throughout the theater. (Hold on to your hats, or better yet, don't wear one.) After some time of this, the tranquility of wind and the tree changes to one caught in a fierce storm. The wind in the audience remains gentle, but the tree seems to be in a gale force wind, blowing frantically and constant and a man suddenly comes from behind the massive willow and sits down on the green blanket facing the audience. He seems to be unaffected by the violent wind.)
HUMANKIND: I am a human being. I am also a spirit vessel, but that would be repeating myself, so I just call myself Humankind.
(The wind rages now with the symphony as HUMANKIND laughs a tall glass of joy to the (H)eartH of Creation.)
HUMANKIND: Laughter is the medicine's gait! It brings us all to teetering along the edge of our own gladness, our madness laughs along with it as the wind blows down our defenses!
(ANGEL WOMAN, an angel of love and forgiveness, enters upon her wings and hovers next to HUMANKIND.)
ANGEL WOMAN: My child, I am summoned to speak with you in earnest. You, dear child, have been chosen among the many.
HUMANKIND: Me? I am but human and therefore haven't a clue as how to help you.
ANGEL WOMAN: But you do, my love. You do. Within you, like all of my children, lies the truth of who you were born to be.
HUMANKIND: You mean it's on a first come first serve basis?
ANGEL WOMAN: Not necessarily, depends on how far your willing to go in your dance with the spirit?
HUMANKIND: I've had enough of not knowing! Leave me to laugh under the weeping willow! Go threaten someone else with your-
ANGEL WOMAN: You are safe my child. You've long been on your walk to Truth.
HUMANKIND: Truth? What would an angel know about the truth? Why didn't God end this nightmare long ago?
ANGEL WOMAN: But it is you that said that time was irrelevant.
HUMANKIND: It's irrelevant to Love, but it's fear that eats it up like its death rolled in sugar, keeping time with fear! It is your love I seek, not your fear. It is Fear that I wrestle away from your love, the dance is becoming commonplace within my prayer! Why wait for more suffering to occur before taking it away, that we might know the difference?
(ANGEL MAN now hovers next to HUMANKIND on the other side of ANGEL WOMAN.)
ANGEL MAN: How dare you blame God's messenger for Humankind's failure?
HUMANKIND: I'm not blaming her, I'm sending a message back to God.
(The wind suddenly ends its bluster and all vanishes from the eartH, save for HUMANKIND upon his blanket. Silence...)
HUMANKIND: Great. Now I'm alone with my thoughts.
GRANDMOTHER WILLOW: Yet that is not what you desire, my child.
HUMANKIND: It's not?
GRANDMOTHER WILLOW: I'd certainly hope not.
HUMANKIND: Hope? It's not hope, Grandmother, it's fear.
(A gentle violin pierces the air.)
(Same. Blanket, tree, nothing else. Wind at full tilt as the symphony strikes a joyous note. HUMANKIND, enters, hovering as an angel.)
HUMANKIND: Were we too afraid to admit our sins that we crucified a never ending belief in the middle of his soliloquy to God’s (H)eartH of Creation?
SOLDIER (Entering near): Wait a second! You wrote “his”, Human?
HUMANKIND: I also failed to mention Love, which to all would be most damning.
SOLDIER: You didn't mention the reason you seek answers to why you’re here, either, Human?
HUMANKIND: And you failed to listen to a word I had to say, Soldier!
SOLDIER: I would do my best, dear spirit, to stay focused on what is known and not what pours out of your human head.
HUMANKIND: What I say and write on a daily basis, warrior, is not of me, it is you that might want to consider the idea. (The wind suddenly gusts.) I believe, and, in my thinking, know I need some help in translating what’s coming through! Let’s get down to it and stat! If you won’t give it to me, I’ll have to continue taking it.
SOLDIER: One man says and writes on a daily basis what he’s never in his life imagined before? Imagined won’t load the weapon in time to fire!
HUMANKIND: Believe you me, I seem to have managed to come up with some tall stories myself, but nothing with the magnitude and breathtaking power as this belief that pours out my fingers and my mouth while I’m in prayer!
HUMANKIND: What I believe I’m doing now seems like I’m un-writing humankind’s obituary.
SOLDIER: Impossible! It's not possible to “unwrite” something, Human!
HUMANKIND: Watch me! I have unwritten myself to the utter delight of those that new me, or, I indeed did not and do not know my self. I would never have left my fellow spirits my noise in exchange for the love I must have taken from them as they watched in horror my disgust.
SOLDIER: I am most ready to begin the beginning, the never end, how could I ever imagine anyone or anything not being a part of this great symphony that has long since been my summons for the crippling of another’s spirit about to make its entrance. Shame envelops my senses…
SCRIBE: My Lovely angel Love has been, in the most literal way possible, my savior. She is Forgiveness and Love and I am the voice of Love, and we together cannot be divided and we've nearly met right in the middle!
SOLDIER: Careful there Humankind? You might want to think about not giving away your plans, the enemy might just use them against you.
HUMANKIND: And there in lies the rub, dear warrior. In my upside-down headed view, it’s all coming out at the pace that it’s meant to emerge, if not, I’d probably fall over from shock. I am not God, I am Love, as I was born to be! Boom bang and a rat a tat tat! Heed the truth of your self in that. ...I am most glad that I am a part of Love, that I am Love. We all are, you and me.
SOLDIER: You promised her that you would meet her halfway; she’s half the man you should’ve remained, Love and Forgiveness.
HUMANKIND: If I’m wrong I’ll gladly and without question still put my faith in Love. My original vow was at our daughter’s birth into this world, soon, thereafter, my eternal clock began to tick tock.
SOLDIER: If your Love has to suffer more because of you, you’ll need to go it alone.
HUMANKIND: I will and I’ll still believe it beyond a shadow of a doubt. The two sides to everything theory needs to be theorized in our thinking, everything has its opposite.
SOLDIER: Yet, beyond doubt has its limits, too, especially when you’ve been programmed to receive Creation’s song by the will of God and Love.
HUMANKIND: I promised that I would scribe for anyone and all and that I would be speaking to many, when it may well be that because I imagined otherwise, I might be only speaking to a select few.
SOLDIER: Then either way, you are speaking! Yet, inexplicably, it seems that the when, where and how are at a crossroads.
HUMANKIND: In the meantime, do not tire of my speech, listen for yourself within it. If you’re hearing nothing of your self, imagine another and another and another. It is Love and she will not be denied, kind warrior.
SOLDIER: Are you implying that Love has nothing to do with war?
HUMANKIND: Not a lick! There is no reason for war anymore, it is in and of itself the most depraved outcome to Love, Life and Laughter…
SCRIBE: The violin pings and the light on the (H)eartH fades out and lightening cuts across the sky and the willow bends with worship...
HUMANKIND: (Speaking directly to the CHORUS.) Have we? Have I come too far to turn back now, radiant spirits?
GRANDMOTHER WILLOW: Turning back isn't an option, in the first place, and secondly you couldn't turn back if you tried, the wind is returning you Home.
HUMANKIND: Good. For a second there I thought I was going to have to go backward to get pummeled again by the fearful spirit. I’ll not travel that way again, the loving spirit is so much more inviting.
CHORUS: Where are your wings, Humankind? Have you not thought your way out of this one before?
HUMANKIND: I feel them upon my back, kind spirits. Somebody had to think of it, the belief in here was getting a bit enamored of itself and reality was getting pummeled by fearful thoughts.
ANGEL MAN: Humankind and their foul illusions of ownership are to blame! His dark fear and his yawning coldness are to blame. His sightless journey and warring hate are to blame.
SPIRIT/ANGEL MAN: Illusions, fear, blindness, and war, his executioner.
GRANDMOTHER WILLOW: Well where were you in all of this, spirit?
ANGEL MAN/SPIRIT: I did my best to end their warring, they didn't want to listen! Long ago they grew deaf to the (H)eartH’s plea.
HUMANKIND: But you, kind spirit, are equally responsible.
ANGEL MAN/SPIRIT: Yes, but humankind’s failure to love is not for a lack of trying, it’s due to the lack of being able to recognize the obvious.
GRANDMOTHER WILLOW: Where on eartH did you imagine you were, child?
HUMANKIND: Hell and Home.
GRANDMOTHER WILLOW: Why not consider Home as Heaven? Aren't you guaranteed to please God?
CHORUS: Why as a standard play, scribe? Why not as a Greek tragedy?
SCRIBE: Too tragic.
CHORUS: What’s the difference?
HUMANKIND: Just what we need, more love stories, they've been done to death!
GRANDMOTHER WILLOW: So have your tragic tales of woe, child! Your love stories are your greatest hope, for from them you can build a belief that rivals all others!
HUMANKIND: Not it your going about it backwards.
SCRIBE: I beg to differ, my fellow spirit. It's the only way I could begin to understand it. Experience proves, at least to me, that we don’t love enough, we are afraid of our place in all of this, but I say, why seek a place if it is not with the whole of Life?
ANGEL MAN: But the never-end, my dear Scribe, is an eternity, why not just go to sleep forever, isn't it likely that there’s far less suffering in it?
GRANDMOTHER WILLOW/SCRIBE/HUMANKIND: Depends on your definition of suffering?
ANGEL MAN/SPIRIT: Hell, agony, misery.
HUMANKIND/GRANDMOTHER WILLOW: Pray tell where is Heaven in all of this paradise if this is Hell?
HUMANKIND: Like I said before, just leave me alone if you don’t think that I am serious. If you do think I’m solemn and this is a serious matter, then by all means let’s dance! It’s the only thing I can recognize as my duty. All of the details aren't being revealed to me in the manner in which speed is relevant, and since speed signifies time and time is irrelevant, it’s a race to the clearing! An opening that reveals itself to us as we begin to grasp our bearings and recognize Home as the Heart(H) of God…
PHILOSOPHER: So now what?
HUMANKIND: We use our remaining wits to stifle this, our flame of consumption.
PHILOSOPHER: What of our wars?
HUMANKIND/ANGEL MAN/SPIRIT: It is all consumption, fear personified.
CHORUS: Silence…
GRANDMOTHER WILLOW: A cello plucks its vibrancy, the Light on the eartH fades and the symphony shrieks to its fullness!
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