I'm merely following orders from that which has yet to be known. It helps me make sense of it all to think of it in those terms.
Love is different for all of us, as is our perception of where we are. Yet Love, not unlike the (H)eartH, is a single solitary, more than flesh and bone, something, that is, for now, unknown. It is believed, without a doubt, but the truth cannot be boxed in by our mere belief, not even in the free-flowing matrix, it can only be allowed to be. Pretty much the way it is for all of Life, especially for us destructive and fearful beasts.
Love chose me, or I chose Love, either way I had no choice because it seemed to make sense. But I do not know, I simply believe.
In my opinion there are great reasons to have it be known, but it is not up to me to decide when it shall be, it is but mine to scribe as I promised and then speak it when and if Love sees fit. The rest will come as it's meant to, until it does, I'll continue to choose the fullness of Love. It just makes sense...
© 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime
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