Float into Love…
It's not the trip taken that necessarily is most important than the journey that's always underway, in or out, up or down… always.
Love might be "all" there is (desired by Creation), but we must remember that the fullness of Love (all) is dependent upon the intentions found in our human thoughts, our vessels of prayers, and most importantly in our actions, otherwise we destroy the Heart(H) of Love, and then what?
Float into Love, I highly recommend it, but just remember who and where you are. There's a fine balance between we and the Heart(H) of Creation, or at least there damn well should be...
Earth, Wind and Fire- without fire, humankind would have succumbed to the eartH's elements, without wind, the scene might seem flat and unmoving, but without eartH? Who knows?
Let's have the wind blow out the "Fire" and lets laugh with the (H)eartH of Creation...
© 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime
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