(911, what's your emergency?)
(Though I would tend to agree, sir, this is 911 and we're not equiped to bring you love, sir. Is there anything else I can help you with today?)
What’s come of this, our day? Feels like a pale remembrance as if we’ve not slept since or our eyes never fully opened, living near death, over and over, never realizing what we’ve done.
(What have you done, sir?)
The dead walk by our closed doors just as they did before. Maybe years from now someone will open them and see there’s no one there, open the cupboards and gaze at the ghost’s of a bare boned affection that move about in the living dust, in the echoes of our dancing within the last of our days, even if there’s nothing worth remembering or somehow it all got misplaced, perhaps tucked away for a rainy day, a keepsake for tomorrow that never came… or never was.
(Oh. Yes. I see.)
Walk with heads held high. Honor all the love that’s been taken away by your own hand and all those you were meant to touch, or should have smiled upon and embraced, for soon all this will be gone.
(What's your name sir?)
© 2010 by mark richard prime
(Hold while I transfer you to my supervisor-
(Laughter... 911 supervisor, what's your emergency?)
Love! Love! Love!
(Laughter! - Is this one of those prank shows?)
(Laughter! - Okay. Okay, I'll bite. Your emergency is-)
(Love, yes. We've established that, but what do expect me to do about Love?)
(Hello? Hello? He hung up! That guy was a few phone-calls short of Love...)
I'm still on the line...
(Oh crap! Sorry, sir. Now what was it you needed, sir?)
(I've got officer Love en route to your location, sir. Just remain on the line with me while officer Love-)
© 2012 the spirit of Love dancing through Mark Richard Prime
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