The piggish flag slaps in the wind behind the backdrop of mechanical beasts.
(And the willow?)
She stood with her ancient limbs calling downward in leafless sorrow, pleading I surface in my breath with Creation, with Love.
(That you raise your voice now in joy, most thankful for your fortune of being in Heaven.)
The eartH, it is Heaven. Heaven, eartH…
(Do not pretend that you’ve nothing to lose just because everything, according to your belief, is going to be okay in the end. Do not cover your eyes if you can’t believe… raise your arms, drop to your knees, and pray to what you know beneath your feet! )
It’s happening- and on my knees, I find Home… Rejoice! Heaven awaits my full Love!
(But you are not worthy, you’re guilty!)
Now! Now is the only moment that counts, Curmudgeon! We are free to have Heaven, or if can choose to create hell, its been arranged by humankind to have one.
It is not the time to get angry at my plea, it is time, however, to acknowledge the sound of truth. If I fail, I’ll have this life to repeat again and again in search of Love, as if I’m raving, sightless, until death fails to breathe in the spirit evermore.
(If you'll see, you'll sense you are in heaven!)
(After you rejoice and sing of your great fortune, get busy cleaning the eartH, Heaven, Love’s water, rivers and streams, oceans, forests and seas and thee...)
I’ll bow to belief when belief requires only that I Love! Then I’ll bow.
(Who dares to question reality?)
It is I, Mark Richard Prime, greeting your sorrow with Love.
(It is not up to you to question certainty, you must merely believe in the unknowable truth.)
(Believe that you’re in heaven and you’ll be in heaven. Begin. Begin now to shape your world, take it away from the oil barons and destroyers of the earth and give it back to Creation!)
Oh, Love! I’m home! I believe the wind is yours! I believe the rain is yours! I believe the snow is yours, I believe the mountains are yours, but for the life of me… why is man?
© 2012 by the spirits dancing with mark richard prime
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