Breathe once more before I begin to shriek. Breathe once more before time jumps the tracks and I’m left without a breath in me,
without a shred, lost in my own web,
unaided, save for the spirits that swim internally.
The eyes of creation, you, the ears of creation, you.
And so on, and begin to correct the grave injuries to our mother, earth.
Her eyes swim oceans to me, her arms, love to all.
All and everything, this is heaven.
Please consider it the only heaven,
up to this point that you’ve known
and look what you’re doing to the earth, God.
If it is not “God, why do I care, I’m out of here, and off to heaven with-”
Out! This stage shakes beneath my feet and you pretend to pretend to understand the weight of what you shout?
Bring me from beneath my questions! I want to soar with you!
Let me remember this moment, Love, that my expanding mind may give way…
Life’s indeed a stage,
but how can we all be actors in the very same play
and not imagine that we all might be wrong?
Is it you? Is it I? Perhaps all of us are missing Love’s song?
And I hope, if you are right and there is a hell,
that your God would reconsider this: Love.
© 2012 by mark richard prime
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