Remember where I am.
(Over and over and over until Love’s song nestles inside of your breath and billows a refrain, and then, the journey back home can begin, before human, after love. The reason is simple, the lesson, immense.)
Belief is humankind’s blindfold. your empty gesturing and corduroys. What? What? Irrelevant. Barren. Nothingness.
Dear fellow man,
I looked for you today.
I hunted for you in peace, but found you not.
Sought you in truth like a butterfly seeks out its flower,
found you nearest to Love, and rejoiced at having been greeted accordingly!
You sought me, brothers and sisters…
Did you expect me to be an easy target?
Come! Let us speak of peace, love and goodness for all, not on this treachery more! Stand with me, brothers and sisters, speak with Love, she waits our kindness and our affections…
(Why do you not put a lid on it as you’re being directed?)
Because it’s a game of spirit! A competition like no other! Sister and brother, there’s a game afoot in the spirit that’s well rested inside of belief, the spirit of Love! Our additions of fear and insanity are to be left behind!
In other words, Love…
(The wind signals its time to rest your mind, dive back into Heaven’s rescue…)
© 2012 by mark richard prime
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