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The balance is tricky between love and fear. Love may now be intensifying, but there are oceans to cleanse, trees to plant, soil to enrich, air and water to purify, and kinship to offer freely before the Heaven of my imagination opens up like a flower upon my slack jawed remembrance.

(Do not be afraid, she is full Love.)

Everlasting sleep might be just what the doctor ordered, but I’m not a doctor, so I choose instead to desire life eternal in my belief, living evermore, there’s far less suffering as a result, at least that’s what I believe.

Living is so much more appealing to me than dying, for what is death but an unknowable? I should want to know and believe in life while I’m living…

(Love has two levels, overflowing and not enough…)

The best way to not lose my way in belief is to carry only Love in everything I do and imagine…

(When deeds surrender to belief, the eartH will succumb to misery…)

I awoke in the hell of my making and crawled through the muck to get back to my feet, back to remembering where and who I am meant to be…

Exactness is not waiting on anything or anyone. The one exactness of the known and the unknown Creator of everything waits on no one, yet it loves all and everything…

Love is pleased with the eartH’s pleasure, so why aren’t we? Could it be that our idea of love has nearly been snuffed out and we’re stumbling from the fumes and the noise? Make songs from the music that is always reaching toward Love. Don’t rest until Home is replenished and vibrant, as near to her, to the eartH’s heavenly reflection as humanly possible…

Fear or Love, choose…?


I thought you’d never arrive from behind the masked creations of fear, but you haven’t let me down yet, Love, instead you’ve managed to present me with salvation of my gravest sin against The Mother, against Love and against the eartH of Creation. I am humbled by your grace and forgiveness, in awe of the beauty and spirit found inside of your virtues…

I am prepared to dance evermore if need be and to trust in a loving exactness before I trust in anything that’s beyond my reach of flesh and blood, the one exactness. I am ready to face the music of my unknowable belief and accept the consequences of my human actions. I’m ready to face my sins, great and small, head on, instead of imagine I needn’t remember them at all…

I came into this dance mid-flight and my toes found the edge too quickly, so I observed from a distance this dance of spirits, the ballet I’ve been moving around in until I found that it is more likely that I believe too much of the realm of which I have no right to conclude. The eartH is my Home, her paradise is mine to uphold, if I am to forfeit anything, let it be fear, don’t allow belief to sacrifice even an nth of love…

Who do you trust the most? Bring them here if you please, just be ready for the truth to settle the old scores, not violence or greed. You may be surprised at what you find dancing within the living?


I worship my conclusions as if they were exactness, as if I found them tumbling out of my unknowable belief. I am but a man, through and through, save for where the spirit that’s in Love’s capable hands summons me to act on her behalf...

(Methinks she’s well protected, child.)

Yes, but I don’t know anything. And therein lies the paradox of belief, make-believing over and over for a long enough time makes belief resonate as if it’s “true”, when the one exactness is absolutely unknowable in the flesh.

(Choose Love…)

My lovely angel Love is evermore with me, we are one because of our vows, forgiveness and truth surfacing as the one loving spirit. I don’t know it, but I certainly believe it…

© 2012 by mark richard prime


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