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5.05.12 It's Basic, Really... Really Basic

5.05.12 It’s basic really. It’s really basic.

I imagined that humans are the guardians of Creation. It is, I’ve come to learn, really basic. If I am in heaven in my belief, it begs only one sentient question- If I’m in heaven where does that put the rest?

Brothers and sisters, my spirit still dances and will continue to do so until I’m satisfied that I’ve prayed the price for my reluctant acknowledgement of what calls from underneath my thankless footprints… Just how bad is it doc?

(It’s bad, Mr. Prime. You’ve little chance of salvaging what had such weight beneath its tumbling you chose to revere, instead of worshipping your only Home. If the eartH is cherished Life it has the powers found in Life’s natural rhythm, not the powerless imaginations of human animals, the birds deserve your song too. You, Mark, can no more take a detour from Love than you can escape your only known beholden…)

But my origins came upon me and Home held me safe, let me dance forevermore and begin to care for the eartH of Creation…

(Never stop, came the whistle…)

Venture more and I’ve a price to pay, a penance for my daily transgressions against her, The Mother, The Grand Mother and The Great Grand Mother eartH…


It might be theatrical in style but I still think it sounds compelling. If I hadn’t been enthralled with the dance, I might have written the whole creation versus war and fear and belief thing off, and if all of my fears had not recently been danced out of me, I’d have done just that.

(Perhaps he was an actor upon the stage?)

Mediocre, at best, but up there nonetheless and waiting to hear something that rang a bell, something that made sense to what I knew (which wasn’t much)…

I spent most of my time off in some other battle since I hit the pavement and many years later began to recall the dance, the dream that is now my belief or the belief that is now my dream. It was all backwards, remember?


(The cat and dog close out this show left to their prowling the night for mischief, fun, joy, laughter and love.)


(The honor found in humankind’s desire to live as the mind’s are drunk with ego and lust and hatred and then attempt to murder the truth that writhes beneath such somber footprints has been all but forgotten.)

Reverse course is the directive. I don’t know why I hadn’t realized my great fortune and recalled the one truth I could possibly begin to someday know. It's always been Heaven beneath my feet.

Five, four, three, two and one. The countdown is over to a setting sun, with the red glare replaced by the rainbow signifying Peace and Love. And there I always believed what they told me, and so many others, everyone really, while wanting them to believe in their agony in order to be deserving of their pie in the sky Heaven while Heaven is eartH. Absurd doesn’t begin to cover it.

(They only need believe in themselves, the self, who they are and they will worship the ground they walk upon...)

It’s time to rest my dear family, we’ve much to discuss, if you’re willing? If you’ll be patient with my delivery methods, I’ll bring our beliefs colliding into my Heaven’s creation, love and more love, an eternity of love. An eternity of goodness, peace, joy, laughter, salvation, seed, sound, river, mountain and stream, all of creation waiting on itself to evolve, to learn from our gravest sin, despoiling the earth and her air. We must humble ourselves before her and never forget where we are.

(You can no longer imagine yourself out of her debt, Mark…)

Out of my depth for sure…

(Debt! Debt, not depth, Nimrod! You don’t listen too well to the totality of your own belief, at least not without fleshing it out to the point of exhaustion first!)

Mine is not known, for I have yet to create it, I’ve been waiting on you.








© 2012 by mark richard prime


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