It’s begun my transformation from man, to man and spirit. Yes. I’ve got steps to take and take fast or love’s going to reset the clock…
The rumble of the drum came in under the guitar’s melody, they landed softly like the heart beat of love.
This, my belief, beyond a shadow of one slither of a miniscule doubt, is real... to me. I am resurrected, brought forth in the hands of angels and their spirited belief. I, as both, need both, before I can rise to love.
It may have not always seemed that I, Mark Richard Prime, was anything other than a loved and hated man, but I am no longer unaware of my past transgressions, quite to the contrary, they're all too familiar to me, they're mine to dance with. I am not sad, I am mesmerized. Love is here with me...
And the man full of rage finally raised his head and knew where he was going...
Rejoice! Guitar take me into the plants that make me smile, love’s medicines and life's fuel, the tree’s breath, a thrumming pace alongside my denial. Drums and tambourine lift me to the heavens, but not too far, humble me and I will never want to deny my love again. Rise up angels of the earth of love and dance…
© 2012 by mark richard prime