I am me… and I never quite engaged until I became one with Love. Of course I had always been one with love, I just had to recognize that fact. With the help and comfort that is love along my journey, I’ve been blessed. I’ve put much upon those I Love, my brothers and sisters of the one seed who seem to know who I am before it is revealed to me. The veil is being lifted as we speak, the who I am and the what I am, the where's been solved. My emergence in heavenly earth, another place I’ve always been, just never quite engaged the idea of such a thing, has made me see again after far too many lifetimes.
I’m the next one, of course, most of you already knew that. Where have I been?
The next one to do what, exactly?
Have love upon my wagging tongue unsure of what to do next and, at the same time, prepared to die for what I believe in.
You mean the words of love?
Yes and no. Love speaks through everything, I'm not special, I’m just becoming aware of, after all of these years, all of these lifetimes, all of these spirits, of the one consciousness.
Becoming one with love is easy if one realizes they already are one with the creator. If one truly believes “their truth” they’ll ask it of their love first. Reverence. Yes. Not pomp and circumstance. I mean how do we know anything without seeing it for ourselves first?
Kudos to you my friend. Whose side did you imagine I was on, brother? There is but one that smiles upon me now. The other has been taken away, released of its ire by love. Love released fear of its grasp on me.
This story is not mine alone, this story is filled with amazing revelations that, when all pieced together, are a reflection of truth, of love. Reflect on love, if you’ve none to reflect on, fall to your thankful knees, help is on the way.
Whoa! Slow down there fella! You might pop a circuit or three thinking out loud like that…
That was rich! Full of bluster, but no belly for the truth of the self. All that I have mingled with of late seems familiar to me, I’m coming back to who I've always been, the next one.
Oh my…
Yes. But who knows what that means, right?
I had to enter, I’m happy I did. I’m ready.
© 2012 by mark richard prime
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