I’m prepared to end my search for love if I feel I’ve done my best to care for the earth. My search will end, because I’ve found it. I have sought long and hard for this pleasure, the overwhelming influence of love and was able to grow nearer her with great joy in my heart.
The most incredible thing happened. I wasn’t expecting the grandmother, I loved mine like no other. I wasn't even expecting the pain, the fear and the suffering to be lifted, but it was and through this liberation I arrived home and found her there to my great delight.
The earth is in need of prayers, of your help. You've much more to do than merely be forgiven of sins, you have to seek beyond the threshold of human ideas and dance lovingly with all spirits. What humankind has brought upon themselves is their war with war, their fear of that which they cannot know in the flesh. Never forget that life is extraordinary and that your beholden is the earth.
This is not me. I’m not writing these words alone, I've the help of many spirits, yours and mine and theirs and animal, plant, soil, water, tree, ocean, mountain, valley, canyon and sea, loving spirits on the heavenly earth, home…
© 2012 by mark prime