Dear preacher, brother and sister, you needn't have tested me, I'm aware. I'm being guided along the path of love by spirits, so it only appeared as if I didn't know you directed your words to me. Thank you. Peace, love and goodness to you, yours and the world.
All the words written since humankind became judge, jury and executioner, amount to war and hate and mistrust and murder, destruction and rape. The prideful manner in which your kind hold Gods, the Gods written by humankind, must strive to a higher standard and rise to full love!
Yes. There is an urgency in my voice, I will admit, but the scarves of love blow in the wind my friends, we’re not rising anywhere, after the way we’ve left the earth.
Bow upon your knees, Mark Richard Prime, she awaits your loyalty, yet still smiles upon you that you might see, might lift your eyes to heavenly earth.
It is not love’s plan to destroy the earth. Love’s about to deliver a message that we can’t deny. Please, for the Love of creation, begin to see again. Remember where you are. Convince me that I’m wrong and I’ll bow out of your deity game. I’ll only give away my love and pray you do the same…
The rain’s beginning to come with it’s dance upon the windshield as the orchestra plays a sweet reverie. The gentle rain calls to me, a quiet reminder of the power of love. If the rain lets loose its fury I'll shudder to imagine more…
I dance with so many spirits that it sometimes boggles the mind. I can’t tell you how many are with me now, they’re all trying to speak at once, all trying to find me as I dislodge any hate and death and guilt and separation and destruction found inside them. And to have wrapped it in nothing but love through and through was all they needed do.
Lay down your weapons and come out with your hands raised and ready to love all of life, each and everyone, mountain and tree and valley and stream, every ocean rolling in and every sea rolling out, every day nearer thee, every night nearer still, about to fall headlong and smiling upon the earth's reverie.
The truth has been corrupted beyond any sensible reach, beyond the smallness of thought. If it is not heavenly then pray tell what on earth is there to see? Just another planet? Look around.
I must begin my duty and rescue her before all love's removed and I'm left in agony.
© 2012 by mark prime