The midnight sky behind the stars went on forever, an eternal dream of mine, my never-ending reverie, my trance of evermore, my dance with destiny. More our dance, yours and mine, mine and yours, with a most willing spirit, the breath of Love.
The one star looking back at me brought me to wonder, might we live forever with death becoming a new life to relive again and again and again until our beliefs center around the things we know?
The eartH of Love calls out with creation’s thrumming Heart, begging we give up our belief and bring our eyes down opened wide and begin to feverishly pray we’ve still time to end our attempted murder of Life, restore the life we’ve drained from Love‘s precious eartH, return the Love we’ve claimed in blood. The tragedy’s a manifest destiny woven of fear eternal instead of Love’s echo, her never-ending return to Love held in the spirit’s hands that tell us life will come again and again and again and again and again and you will be exactly where your belief takes you, good and bad.
Wouldn’t a loving peace and a peaceful Love serve Love? Wouldn’t our search for kings and miracles be better served if we looked beneath our feet, to the home upon which all of breath breathes, all of Love's Loves and all of life lives and dies until…
We believe that all we know is all there is to know. Might there be more? Where we are. Who we are. What we are. Let’s turn our sights to that which gives without asking for anything in return, to that which is life’s sustenance, its beholden, the mother, the HeartH of Love, the eartH. Remember this, we stewards of Love and home.
What good will belief be when our beholden begins to heal? We must begin to realize where we are before The Mother sways her hips and split’s the dance floor with her quake, before The Father strikes his radiance across our flesh and reveals the bloodletting of the sacred spirit, before the train whistle goes unnoted and our thankless existence gets erased from the songbook of Love.
© 2011 by mark prime