Oh! Dear Grandmother and Grandfather, what are we to do with Love's wisdom if we seek it not? What of the eternal Heart(H), we’ve a heart, we’ve a beat or two left if Love’ll grant it…
The bell tolls in the distance and the weeping willow comes to with the splash of Love's rain and the slap of the Love’s wind. She is all instruments. She is all. She and Love are in holy matrimony.
The heart is the most vital of organs, Love made all as an ode to life.
You’ll see them again. Life is eternal, yet ever changing, evolving if you will…
Humankind, individual entities, can no more know that their belief is truth than they can the instructions of Love. And we’ve wed ourselves to one belief, one storyline out of billions, soon we’ll find we’ve not much wind left for another.
And another emerges, the one we should never have forgotten…
© 2011 by mark prime