The story returns carrying grave sorrow last upon its brow. The story never ends, really. It goes on for as long as it takes to create an infinite Love... The story never ends, it changes. Try putting a period or a conclusion on anything that is Love and you’ll find out that you were wrong. It’s not about right and wrong. It’s about nature.
It’s about truth!
Truth never ends. She meanders around campfires jostling souls before she goes. She is the unspoken truth, a wordless truth, the mother of all we know, The Grandmother, the Heart(H) of Love.
Creation is begging we reconsider our discordant path. Pleading we camp here evermore. Praying that we love, Love without attachment. Love is unattached because it is free…
Bring me out of this latest collapse found deep in me, this story- this Love that shines in me is not me. It is you, brothers and sisters, without your Love, I would not be.
Truth never ends. She meanders around campfires jostling souls before she moves on. She is the unspoken truth, a wordless exactness, the mother of all we know, the Grandmother, the HeartH of Love.
© 2011 by mark prime
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