Is this the reality we want to leave for our children and grandchildren? Push it off on the next generation and their children and then to theirs and then to theirs- an infinity of others following suit across a sky of diamonds? She is our precious Love and we're set to topple her trees, ruin her water, all the while dumping depravity into the children’s minds who grow up to become accomplices to the attempted murder. We must realize that the eartH is not just another planet, it is, quite literally, the Heart(H) of Love.
Jump start me, bartender! Bring round your liquid-wrench to loosen the chords we've hung around ourselves and then stood back and jumped as if we didn't recognize our own guilty faces!
Within us all there is Love or an attempt to murder Love through words that are lined with vile intentions that have been blossoming throughout our sleep. Life and the eartH react to the will of Love. And humankind thought they would don their masks and then have the nerve to attempt to play creator? This because they’re just dying to live forever- forever in agony on eartH instead of nurturing a Heaven.
We want to live forever at the behest of humankind? We don’t know! We only believe! We cannot know beyond where we are or where we've imagined ourselves to be! Life’s been trained to deny reality, so we oblige ...and we’ve the nerve to feign Love for creation?
Enough questions!
© 2011 by mark prime