I love.
I should have known. I wasted forty-seven years seeking what wasn’t me. Searching, only not really searching, more like fate stepping in to guide me along to myself. Seeking to sour that which was not mine to defile in any way. I speak of the children. I should have known from the very beginning, it is innocence. It is Love that rules my fate. That rules yours. That reigns supreme in our duty to her.
The birth of life…
Remember it is not an easy task to imagine your child, at your age, asking what he will of your weakness, your god-fouled pride.
If I seek eternal life, it will find my body as a part of the whole, but if my spirit soars aloft, eternity will be her search for me.
Look to what you know, not to what you believe.
I need speak! I must begin to speak!
She waited for my love. She still waits for my full love to soar as high as my dreams…
If your god asks that you do anything but love, question the thought.
If your god has anything that conjures fear save for animal instincts, question the thought.
I love.
© 2011 by mark prime
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