Netanyahu accepts limited Palestinian state
If you give up your guns and your rockets and turn your eyes away, you can live in what little space that is left for you to stand. If you accept this, your sentence, you’ll also acknowledge your fate…
Crowds join Ahmadinejad victory rally
Majority rules on Election Day with its bright lights on. Save for the house arrest of the graying reformer, Iran teeters similarly to our own uncertain and valued vote, an alleged coup d'état, intimidation, chaos, rumors, we only think, imagine that we're vastly different.
Threats, violence seen eroding U.S. abortion rights
If thou give up thy lawful rights and turn thou eyes toward our god, we will smile and praise thy goodness. If not, we shall execute thee and all of thy children, born or unborn matters not… Amen.
Gas Prices Jump Another 17 Cents a Gallon
There is no rest for the imperially wicked. Plotting what is next that will divert our attention from the thing that truly matters- The Constitution.
O! Permit this, our liquid god, consume us first!
Urban Coyotes Have Streetwise Ways
Animals roam our streets and drink our water and devour our children with their blood-filled lust. No. It is not the coyote that has learned from us.
Israel targets smuggling tunnels in Gaza
There will be no tunnel here, no resistance exposed by bared teeth or fitful soul, only those bent and docile shall unbend their backs and burrow out of their grave.
© 2009 mrp/thepoetryman
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