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Let us look upon this thing called war remembering its unwavering lessons in the arid land of these hard events. Trampling o`er what is ancient with what is fresh we've lost our original sovereignty which should remain our foundation. That which sprang to birth in righteousness, that which was bestowed upon the dawn should be lifted to better beginnings not go from purity to cold-blooded murder.

They chained their liberated sufferers to steel bars in filth ridden palaces where their screaming fell upon the desecrated ears of empire. We forgot our flowers, forgot our sacrifices. Their streets are filled with the dried bones of brutally murdered children, of wishes for new beginnings, of craving for freedom's ring, of gleaming a sovereign face, of faith in mankind's prayer.

...Let us look upon this thing called war...

Plato Philosophy Crimes of War



  1. Excellent, PMMP, excellent! Thank You.
    Peace, ahh were it but so...

  2. Wrenching.
    This government has done things that can never, will never be undone.

  3. lulu,
    Thank you for your constant kind words.

  4. Not by any government yet to be. We are a country that tortures. This stain can never be removed.

  5. "Torture is as American as a bloody electrocuted apple pie."
    Brad R
    One line from a very good article.


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