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Showing posts from December 26, 2015


That which is in me, which holds my conscience, which holds my actuality up in the spirit as I stand on the tips of my toes just to get a glance, then I scribe. I repeat this until I'm the spiritual choreographer and by then it's only a matter of believing in the collective's story and not just our own particular story. That'd be seven billion souls with a word or two to say edgewise. Best we get nearest reality with our beliefs and usher in the collective consciousness of Heaven on (H)eartH as it is most Heavenly of all things we know. Me © 2015 Mark Richard Prime


There were no miracles performed that were not always God's own crafted to unfold, not miraculously appear and heal and- enter the Scribe. Hello. Where am I needed? What good are we if we are not viewing our individual life as less important than the whole? It's a process. If one simply says they are equals to another without truly believing it, the whole suffer another casualty. The danger lies in our also believing we are indeed lesser than all and our becoming voiceless among the whole. Don't forget, lesser than is simply humbling so that we might sense and remember we are truly equals. It is method before madness, yet it's all pretty maddening. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime


There were no miracles performed that were not always God's own crafted to unfold, not miraculously appear and heal and- enter the Scribe. Hello. Where am I needed? What good are we if we are not viewing our individual life as less important than the whole? It's a process. If one simply says they are equals to another without truly believing it, the whole suffer another casualty. The danger lies in our also believing we are indeed lesser than all and our becoming voiceless among the whole. Don't forget, lesser than is simply humbling so that we might sense and remember we are truly equals. It is method before madness, yet it's all pretty maddening. © 2015 Mark Richard Prime


How hard would it be to insert a character into a doctrine after it was written? Could it be possible to add a character within a doctrine in order to put forth an option that is not actually a part of the truth? I only ask because it came to me, not sure why, but it is an interesting thought that a doctrine could be changed to affect a different outcome. I say We are the authors of just such a story. We are meant to bring our wits to our unfolding story. We should be taking great delight in painting the rest of the truth. Manifestation is a real thing. Smile on that delightful possibility... © 2015 Mark Richard Prime