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Showing posts from February 9, 2015


© 2014 Mark Richard Prime

Why Who Why

7,500 reward offered for info on the killing of bald eagle (Why?) To the eagle it matters not to catch one "cruel creep" among so many... not literally slaying the eagle, but warring it into oblivion nonetheless. (Why?) (Who?) (Why?) Perhaps the why is irrelevant... I can see the where, the who and the what, yet the "why" I cannot, which for me, makes it irrelevant to my now, action and word. Knowing that it is "wrong" should suffice. We know it is wrong by the very nature, no pun intended, found in our instincts. We act upon those and we are good to go forward without shame in our hearts. In order to end the cruelty found in humankind's nature, kindness must accompany all actions and words, soon we'll have forgotten about our idiocy. __ © 2014 MrP